Small fish
North American dining customers like to have a singular large piece of protein in the center of the plate. However, fish become less efficient in converting feed to protein as they age. This project investigates the sustainability ramifications of these two protein provisioning strategies (single large or two small fillets) for three species of fish produced in aquaculture. more....
F3 - Fish Free Feed
Aquaculture feeds are the area where aquaculture and wild fisheries intersect. In order for aquaculture to grow sufficiently, alternate feed ingredients will be necessary...more
mapping and Permitting Aquaculture
Aquaculture can grow 100,000 mt of food in 20 sq miles. The Gulf of Maine, at 69,115 sq miles, offers a huge opportunity for aquaculture production. But the Gulf of Maine is already a crowded place. The path of least resistance for aquauclture will be to find the "free" space - locations where there will be little conflict. I work on project to map the co-occurrence of competing users, and also to create a spatially defined tool for marine aquaculture siting and permitting....more